Contenus des enseignements

Given the multidisciplinary nature of the training, holders of a BTSi will have dealt with the following areas of computing:

  • Networks and telecommunications
    • the basics of computer networks,
    • configuration and maintenance of a router
    • configuration and maintenance of a network switch,
    • configuration of WAN connections,
    • implementing security in computer networks.
  • Object-oriented programming
    • The basics of object-oriented programming using the Java language,
    • graphic interface editors and how they work,
    • interfacing with data managers and other systems,
    • programming iOS systems.
  • Operating systems
    • configuration of a Microsoft workstation,
    • configuration of a Linux workstation,
    • configuration of a centralised directory service.
  • Web development
    • creation of static websites (HTML, CSS),
    • creation of dynamic websites (JavaScript, PHP) with connection to a database (MySQL),
    • use of an imperative and object-oriented approach in PHP,
    • use of current techniques for creating and securing web pages (e.g. templates, AJAX, etc.),
    • use of frameworks (e.g. JQuery, MooTools, DOJO, ZEND, etc.).
  • Databases
    • analysis and design of an information system using a computer system,
    • implementation, operation and optimisation of databases,
    • basic administration of a DBMS.
  • Professional communication
    • appropriate use of office applications,
    • communication in French, German and English.

Each module contains theoretical content that will be applied to real-life situations. These exercises/practical work will serve to consolidate knowledge and acquire important practical skills for using and configuring hardware and software.

The emphasis of the course is largely on practical work, while the theoretical part is reduced to the bare minimum. Throughout their training, students are encouraged to obtain the information they need and analyse it to extract the knowledge they need to solve the problems they encounter. This is an important part of their post-BTSi professional development.

The BTSi course ends with a 12-week internship.